Los neumáticos poco infladas son una de las principales razones de averías y llamadas de servicio. Eso cuesta tiempo, dinero y nervios. Es por eso que la presión y la temperatura correctas de los neumáticos son clave para su flota.
Con Conti Connect™ 2.0, puede controlar el estado de sus neumáticos y, por lo tanto, aumentar la seguridad, reducir el desgaste de los neumáticos, garantizar un mayor tiempo de actividad y evitar costosas averías, reducir los costos de mantenimiento y optimizar el ahorro de combustible.
Además, pronto estarán disponibles nuevas funciones de Conti Connect™ 2.0 para vehículos comerciales. Benefíciese de una transparencia total sobre el estado de sus neumáticos, incluida la información sobre el kilometraje y la profundidad de la banda de rodadura, administre sus activos de manera eficiente y lleve el mantenimiento predictivo al siguiente nivel. Esto le brinda la capacidad de mantenerse actualizado sobre la salud de tus neumáticos y de planificar los servicios de manera proactiva.
Having everything under control makes life much easier – and your business smarter. With ContiConnect™ 2.0 you benefit from full transparency on the key factors of your fleet’s tires by monitoring their health. What’s really good: it’s in real time, which allows you to proactively plan services thanks to predictive analytics. Finally, a solution to increase your peace of mind.
Running a business is full of ups and downs. With the ability to remotely monitor all relevant tire parameters such as pressure, temperature and now even mileage measurement and tread depth prediction, you can significantly lower the risk of tire-related breakdowns. This helps you to generate value by increasing your vehicle’s uptime – and your asset’s lifetime – easily. Improve your efficiency by reducing fuel costs and CO2 emissions. Now, your business gets even more ups.
No business is like any other. You have different challenges, vehicles and needs. The perfect solution is the one that covers all of them. ContiConnect™ has different options to choose from – including different packages and add-ons. Pick the ones you profit the most from with our modular system. Tailor-made to your vehicle’s operations: check all data 24/7 on any device with LIVE or right after your trucks return to their dedicated checkpoints with YARD. This is digital tire monitoring for every business.
Tenemos la solución adecuada en nuestra cartera para habilitar el Monitoreo Digital de llantas para su tipo de vehículo, ya sea un autobús, camión, vehículo especializado o remolque independiente.
El sensor de llanta está montado en el revestimiento interior de una llanta para recopilar y transmitir datos. El sensor se puede adaptar o montar de fábrica en una llanta.
If you choose ContiConnect™ Yard, the yard reader station is the connectivity component used that receives the data from the tire sensors within a yard. The yard reader station is installed at the fleet's frequent touch points, like a washing bay, gas station or other check-points within the yard. It reads the data off the tire sensors and transmits it via cellular connection to the backend where it is analyzed and interpreted.
The installation manual for the yard reader station can be found here.
The hand-held tool is needed for initialization of ContiConnect™. This component is used to assign each tire sensor to the respective wheel position of the vehicle. It connects wirelessly to the tire sensors. Further, you can also use the hand-held tool to import tire data to the web portal without a yard reader station.
The ContiConnect™ web portal is the interface where you can proactively monitor the tire conditions on all of your vehicles. The web portal is a browser-based application that can be accessed from any type of device.
You can receive customizable notifications so that you can address any issues in real-time.
En Continental somos expertos cuando se trata de llantas. ¡Pero no solo eso! Trabajamos constantemente junto con usted para dar forma al futuro en el transporte. Nuestras soluciones digitales controlan el estado de sus llantas, para que pueda concentrarse en cosas más importantes. Nuestras soluciones son tan individuales como su negocio y nuestro equipo encontrará la combinación adecuada para usted.
Monitor the tire pressure of multiple vehicles live and regardeless of their location while they are on the road.
Monitor the tire pressure of multiple vehicles that return regularly to dedicated check-points.
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