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The best driving experience possible

Continental Tire Technology

Family on the beach

You can't control what happens along the way

Unless you can

Driving isn’t just about getting from A to B. It’s about getting there safely, comfortably, and enjoying every part of the journey. With Continental tire technology, you don’t have to worry about being stranded or breaking down. You don’t even have to deal with unnecessary road noise. You just have to lean back, take the wheel and rely on your four tires to get you to your destination.

Tires are all the same

Unless they aren´t


A tire puncture means being stranded. Unless it doesn’t.
Nothing can deflate your holiday enthusiasm – if your tires are equipped with ContiSeal. It seals 80% of punctures, so you can continue driving. Learn more about how the puncture-busting technology works.

Find out here!
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SSR technology

Tire damage means missing their big moment. Unless it doesn’t.
Self supporting runflat tires will keep you on the road for up to 80 km, no matter which obstacles life throws in your way. How can a damaged tire support itself?

Click here to find out!
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Road noise is the loudest part of a car journey. Unless it isn’t.
Happiness sounds like a lot of different things – road noise isn‘t one of them.  ContiSilent reduces the sound components of rolling noise perceived as particularly annoying inside your car by up to 9 dB(A) so you can enjoy the sound of silence. Turn a noisy ride into a peaceful drive?

Find out how...
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Runflat tires

Runflat tires

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