It’s made up of thin air, a fleeting element, hard to grasp or contain. Nevertheless, the pressure inside your tire can have a tangible impact on the handling of your car, the environment, the comfort of your ride, and even on your wallet! Tire pressure will still matter in the future, but thanks to smart tire technology, you won’t have to worry about it.
Smart tire pressure technology
… boosts driving performance
… reduces car maintenance costs
… minimizes maintenance time
… optimizes rolling resistance, comfort and efficiency
Tires are essential to car handling and safety – and the correct tire pressure is what literally keeps things running smoothly. That’s not about to change fundamentally, even for the car of tomorrow. But how will air pressure be monitored in the future? Will we still be manually adding air to our tires when vehicles are already electric and autonomous? The short answer: no. In the future, we will no longer have to pull in to a gas station (why bother, when the car no longer runs on gas?) to top up our tire pressure. Instead, tires that are just as smart as the autonomous, electrified car will monitor their own air pressure – and top it up as needed.
extended life of a tire
7500 km
improved fue economy on average
0,6 %
possible fuel savings max.
3 %
Which propulsion technology will you be driving into the next era of automobility? Whether your dream car is electric, a hybrid or hydrogen-fueled, it will be rolling on air-filled tires for the foreseeable future. Much like today’s tires, they will perform best when filled with exactly the right amount of air. Unlike today’s tires, however, you won’t have to manually add air when tire pressure is low. The smart tires of the future will monitor and adjust their tire pressure automatically and autonomously.
Continental C.A.R.E™ is a new tire technology for the fast-approaching era of electric, connected and autonomous driving. For you, that simply means your tires will care for themselves, so you don’t have to. Car owners and drivers will receive real-time notifications on tread depth, possible damage, and tire temperature, while sensors continuously analyze data and immediately transmit information.
As for the air that keeps things rolling, Conti C.A.R.E goes the extra mile by not just monitoring but also automatically adjusting tire pressure. As the vehicle accelerates, the centrifugal forces within the wheel act on the pump to generate compressed air. PressureProof technology keeps the tire pressure constantly within the ideal range, making monthly tire checks unnecessary and providing extra safety by removing human error from the equation. Excess compressed air is stored in an integrated tank that PressureBoost technology then uses to rapidly adapt the tire pressure to various driving situations, optimizing rolling resistance and lowering energy consumption and emissions. With this tire, pumping air really will be a thing of the past.