# Digital Solutions


Lower pressure causes lower lifetime

  • In the example you see the effects on a tyre when operating at under inflation.
  • Based on a 18.00-33 dimension a reduction of service life of 8 % would be the result when running the tyre at 10 % below recommended tyre pressure.
  • Costs of under inflation = Tyre Price x 8 %.
  • This indicates that only 92 % of the design life is used.
  • Consequently, you will have much higher expenses for tyres, not including the fitment and service costs.

This is where the new ContiPressureCheck™ system can provide an effective solution. A constant check on all the tyres – also while driving.


Product & Components

ContiPressureCheck™ is a direct measurement system fitted directly inside the tyre. If the inflation pressure decreases, the tyre might be subject to greater strain as it rolls, causing it to heat up, which can damage the tyre or even lead to a blowout. ContiPressureCheck uses a sensor inside the tyre to continuously monitor the inflation pressure and tyre temperature to prevent this from happening.

ContiPressureCheck™ immediately detects any changes in inflation pressure or temperature. The sensor inside the tyre sends the data wirelessly to the central receiver (central control unit – CCU), which processes the data, saves warnings and sends them directly to the display in the driver’s cab. As a result, the driver can immediately take corrective action and avoid a breakdown before it happens.

The technology is in the detail: The ContiPressureCheck™ sensor

ContiPressureCheck™ integrates sensors and a communication and processing system into a single module that is contained inside a rubber container and glued to the inner surface of the tyre. The advantage of this system over sensors placed outside the tyre is that it avoids measurement errors due heat radiation of the brakes.

ContiPressureCheck™ is quick, easy to install and it is robust and reliable. It is an inexpensive solution to automatically measure tyre inflation pressure and it pays for itself the first time it prevents a tyre breakdown. And that is without even taking into account any follow-on costs such as late fines, damage to public image or loss of sales or profits. So, the worst that can happen is not to have ContiPressureCheck™ on board.

A man from the Conti360 Breakdown service inspects a truck tire


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Telematics integration


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