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Passenger CarSummer Tyres

Tehniskās īpašības

Pārliecinoša saķere uz sniegota un slapja ziemas ceļa, pateicoties adaptīvajam vissezonas gumijas sastāvam.

Ar savu īpašo ziemas gumijas sastāvu un augsto silīcija līmeni gumijas sastāvā jaunā AllSeasonContact™ vienmēr saglabā elastību. Šī pielāgošanās spēja nodrošina teicamu veiktspēju gan uz sniegota, gan slapja ziemas ceļa.

Teicama bremzēšanas veiktspēja uz sausa un slapja vasaras ceļa, pateicoties elastīgajam vissezonas protektora dizainam.

AllSeasonContact™ ir kā uzticams sabiedrotais jebkādos vasaras ceļa apstākļos. Atvērtais protektora plecu daļas dizains nodrošina teicamu aizsardzību pret akvaplanēšanu. Savukārt stingrie protektora bloki ar minimālu lameļu daudzumu nodrošina labāku vadāmību un bremzēšanu uz sausa ceļa.

More of what matters, less of what doesn’t.

Save on fuel, reduce your CO2 emissions and simply count on outstanding driving efficiency.

Testu rezultāti

The German magazine Auto Bild has published in their current issue September/2021 the All Season Super Tire Test 2021. The tested tire size was 225/50 R17 94/98 V/W, test vehicle was a BMW 3series.

This test is a special test with 32 participating products. The evaluation consists of 2 parts:

Part 1: Wet braking and dry braking test: selection of the best 16 products (finalists)

Part 2: Complete test only of the finalists including wear performance and price.

Auto Bild is publishing as well the weight loss of the tire in g/1000 km for all finalists. This criteria is not part of the evaluation.

 The test was conducted by Auto Bild on following proving grounds:

  • IFV Institute for road wear test (Harz, Germany)
  • ATP Papenburg, Wachauring Austria (dry and wet tests)
  • Test World Ivalo/ Finland (winter tests)

Rating for the AllSeasonContact™: Test Winner

About the AllSeasonContact™:

+ Convincing allround talent with good winter quality

+ Precise steering precision

+ Best safety reserve at hydroplaning

+ Good driving comfort

+ Fuel saving rolling resistance

-  High price level

The German magazine Auto Zeitung has published their All Season Tire Test 2021. The tested tire size was 205/55 R16 91/94 H/V, test vehicle was a VW Golf 7.

The test was conducted by Auto Zeitung at the following proving grounds: Test World, Ivalo,  Finland (snow tests), Contidrom, Jeversen, Germany (wet & dry tests, cold) and Bridgestone, Rome, Italy (wet & dry tests, warm).

Rating for the AllSeasonContact™: Test Winner

About the AllSeasonContact™:

+  Excellent Traction and Deceleration

+  The German allrounder with convincing performance on wet, dry and snow

+  Late Hydroplaning

+  Safe handling at limits

+  Low Rolling Resistance

 -  Extended stopping distances at warm conditions

The German ACE (Auto Club Europa) together with the GTÜ (Gesellschaft für Technische Überwachung mbH) and Austrian Partner Club ARBÖ (Auto-, Motor- und Radfahrerbund Österreichs) have published their All Season Tire Test 2019.

The test was conducted in cooperation with Nokian in Ivalo (FIN) for snow testing and Wachauring (Austria) for dry- and wet testing.

Rating for the AllSeasonContact™: Test Winner, Highly Recommended

About our AllSeasonContact™ (produced in Lousado)

+ Best performance on wet surface

+ Best place in handling wet

+ Best position in rolling resistance

-  High price

The German magazine sport auto has published in their issue (11/2020) an All Season Tire Test 2020. The tested tire size was 245/35 R19 93 Y, test vehicle was a BMW 328i.

This All Season tire test is published as a sporty alternativity for Winter tires for UHP vehicles. The test was conducted by sport auto at the following proving grounds: Test World, Ivalo, Finland (snow tests) and Contidrom, Jeversen, Germany (wet & dry tests).

Rating for the AllSeasonContact™: Good

About our AllSeasonContact™:

+ Proper performance and good grip in corners on snow

+ Neutral and safe handling in corners with pronounced reserves on wet roads

+ High Aquaplaning safety

+ Spontaneous and stable in lane change maneuver dry

-  Longer braking distance in wet and dry

-  Slight oversteering at load changes in fast corners


Product Sheet AllSeasonContact™

Product Sheet AllSeasonContact™

pdf 893 KB

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