Andalusia – the southernmost region of Spain is famous for its beautiful heritage and landscape among tourists worldwide. What most people do not know is, that the region possesses the most-varied terrain and vegetation in all of Spain and thus have always been one of the most important agricultural territories in the country. Cereals, cotton and sugar beet, among others, have always been the primary crops cultivated by regional farmers. The mediterranean climate with mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers offer perfect conditions for them.
Situated in lower Anadalusia is Bajo Guadalquivir: Located on the left bank of the River Guadalquivir, occupying part of both Cadiz and Seville provinces, it is home to Coschadoras and Agroservicios del Sur – Cosechasur – an Andalusian agricultural family business. Cosechasur owns 800 hectares of land out of Bajo Guadalquivir and works with third parties over another 900 hectares. At its disposal, the family business has 22 tractors, 4 cotton-pickers, 2 combine harvesters and all of the necessary machinery to carry out field work. Among their main crops are alfalfa, a plant that is used for feeding farm animals, as well as beetroot and cotton.
We do what we love, so for us it’s not just a job, it´s more like a passion
Antonio Mora, Coschadoras and Agroservicios del Sur
For Antonio Mora and his family, agriculture started from an early age, “We do what we love, so for us it’s not just a job, it´s more like a passion,” he explains. In order to manage the peak workload, the company must provide at the optimal moment all of the demands of the crops, without allowing for a single error or failure to protect and guarantee profitability. “We need efficient machinery and reliable materials in order to perform well and do everything at the optimal moment. We need huge efficiency in our work and therefore we are always looking for products that can go hand in hand with that. When we are perfoming at 100%, we can not allow ourselves to have something that doesn’t work. We search for quality in all of our products – both in machinery and in tires,” explains Mora.
With that in mind, Mora was very satisfied to be one of 55 European test customers that Continental has selected and supplied with the standard tires of this new premium radial tire portfolio since the beginning of 2017. Cosechasur previously had worked for decades with Continental until 2004. “Continental offered us a good service while we worked with their products for 18 years. Now following the return to the sector we have decided to keep using Continental´s products,” states Antonio Mora.
Cosechasur has equipped its machinery with the new premium radial tires Tractor85. When it comes to choosing a tire, the company looks for a robust product offering a good traction and comfortable ride on any application, whether on asphalt or soil. “When we saw the Continental tires we knew that we could rely on them. Ever since we mounted the Tractor85, it has been reacting fairly well to the alfalfa crop that we have here. Alfalfa is a crop that must be resprouted when it is run over. With other tires that we mounted in the past, it was much harder for the plant to sprout again. With the Tractor85, it is much less work, because its flotation level is higher and doesn’t make too much damage with its tracks.” Consechasur will therefore continue to bet on the reliability of Continental’s products and services in the future.