Using Continental’s VF CombineMaster on a Wheel loader? Is that even possible? Magnus Claessons makes it work!
Magnus is a farmer and a contractor outside Västerås, a town in the Swedish province of Västmanlands län, where he cultivates 350 hectares. He also has a herd of 55 beef cows. And as a contractor he takes over tasks such as spraying, combine harvesting, seeding, hay & ensilage making, snow ploughing, and also spreading manure.
Since he plows snow with the loader, he used earthmoving tires (20.5R25) with "good" snow grip. However, it did not work so well when he had to load manure. Therefore, he was looking for different options and found Continental's VF CombineMaster in the size 620/70R26. “Especially when it comes to loading on muddy ground, I need a tire with good grip. And that is what the new Continental tires are perfectly delivering.”, says Magnus Claesson. It can also be used with lower pressure and has good flotation capacity when conditions are unfavorable. VF means that he can have 40% less tire pressure compared with a standard tire. That means less soil compaction and better traction.
Especially when it comes to loading on muddy ground, I need a tire with good grip. And that is what the new Continental tires are perfectly delivering.
Magnus Claesson, Västerås, Sweden.
The front axis is equipped with the smallest tires on the vehicle - this is exactly where the VF CombineMaster can show its strengths. Farmers can carry heavier loads at road speed using this technology, while being well prepared for cyclical applications in the field.
The use of this a great enrichment for Magnus and supports him in his daily agricultural work. Thanks to Continental’s VF CombineMaster, he can not only carry out these tasks as comfortably as possible, but also with the highest-level of efficiency.