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Carcass detection via camera

CasingManager App

Conti CasingManager App

These days you do almost everything on your smartphone, why not collect your casings this way too?

At Continental, we believe that your time is too precious to be hanging around the yard pen and paper in hand, tediously writing down tire data. That's why we’ve developed the Casing Manager app.

All advantages at a glance

Effizienz Icon
Efficiency Icon
Icon Ortsunabhängig

Record tire data via smartphone camera 

Low manual effort

Alternative pick-up address possible

Technical details

Until now, dealers had to record tire information with pen and paper after scanning the carcass barcode. Now, they are supported by the new CasingManager app. The dealer can scan the serial number on the tire, and data such as the barcode number, dimensions, and DOT number are immediately transmitted. To do this, the barcode must be assigned by scanning the sticker once it is inside the casing. After the first tire's barcode has been scanned, the app offers the option to automatically process the barcode for the next carcass to be collected. The app automatically generates a collection order once the user has finished the collection. From the second tire onward, only the serial number needs to be scanned. 

The new app collects all orders from the day and sends them bundled as a total order to the pick-up service provider. Once the provider confirms the collection, the dealer receives a notification via email. Additionally, the carcass is transferred to the ContiCasingAccount.* This account allows dealers to deposit the used carcasses of their truck customers and receive credit in return.

*For that, the application must be available in your country.

Continental's new app strengthens retreading in the commercial vehicle segment by facilitating the casing management process with various advantages: All tire data is automatically and digitally recorded using a photo of the serial number. The elimination of manual entry saves time and avoids errors when entering the data. Thanks to the completely digitized collection process, the tires can also be picked up directly from the end consumer in the future. In addition, the avoidance of unnecessary transport trips pays off in terms of sustainability.

Continental's ContiLifeCycle concept, which includes fuel-saving and retreadable new tires as well as comprehensive casing management, helps to establish a sustainable circular economy. Through the recovery and reuse of used tires, significant material savings can be achieved. This can lead to reduced mileage costs and optimized operating expenses. In this way, Continental aims to contribute to an environmentally friendly and sustainable economy.


Scan or click the QR codes to download the app and streamline your casing management. 
Apple App Store Apple App Store
Google Play Store Google Play Store

CasingManager App Information Sheet

CasingManager App Information Sheet

pdf 141 KB Download the information sheet

CasingManager App User Manual

CasingManager App User Manual

pdf 781 KB Download the Manual

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